Please note, this forum is not to be used to post malware logs. All malware logs should be posted in the Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Logs forum.
As the name of this area states, this is where you ask the question.
Am I Infected?
Advice or instructions in this area should be limited to non-invasive scanners or tools that create a report that can be reviewed by a trained helper. If it is determined that you are infected with something that needs direct interaction by a moderator member, your topic will be moved to the appropriate area. The use of Combofix or any other high level removal tool is not for this area. See HERE. If your malware analysis log shows indications of the use of these tools, there is a high probability your post will be ignored, or moved as is to the most appropriate forum.
We respect the wishes of the people that developed these programs for use as tools for trained professionals only.
As this is an open area, available for any member to post in, please use caution when following the advice given. Instructions from the following member groups is to be considered trusted:
Admin | Site Admin | Global Moderator | Moderator | Malware Study Hall Admin | Malware Response Instructor | Malware Response Team | BC Advisor
Other trusted helpers include Malware Study Hall Junior and Malware Study Hall Senior with "Member of the Bleeping Computer A.I.I. early response team!" in their signature, Security Developers and Security Colleagues.
If at any time you consider the information posted in this area to be incorrect, or potentially damaging to your machine please stop and contact a Moderator. This is to be done only in the case of members posting dangerous or invasive methods of malware removal. Please DO NOT contact any moderator member with a request for help, post your computer issues here for review.
Instructions for posting your problem
Once again, read the advice HERE before you post. Please do not include HiJackThis logs, or the logs from any other scanners unless instructed to do so. If there is a Combofix log posted, the topic may possibly be closed, or may be moved to the Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Logs forum. You are welcome to copy and paste (or accurately retype) any warnings that you are getting on your machine. Please be sure to briefly and accurately describe the nature of your problem.DO NOT attempt to repair your problems by following the advice given to others unless you are sure of the results. Many machines have met an untimely death due to a visitor thinking they have the same problem in a post they have viewed. Malware advice or directions given by the moderators here is intended for the person starting that thread. The use of public tools on your machine may cause damage, and we strongly recommend that you do not launch anything without advice from a moderator member or First Responder.
Related topics:
- Instructions for posting advice in Am I Infected
- A Reminder To Our Members Regarding Malware Logs
- Rules Violation: Replying to Malware Removal logs