Searching for a refurbished desktop pc on the HP site's outlet store. Inventory list results in chosen price rantge have descriptions with specs I can';t understand. I don't usually have too much trouble understandintg specs in details of pc's on other sites but these are unreadable to me. Below is a copy of specs given for one of the pc's on the HP outlet site (from list of results of my search). If someone can interpret the meanintgs of these specs in more recotgnizable form (i.e.what would indicate the CPU if it's a 6 core Intel i7 or an AMD Ryzen 9, what indicates the amount of RAM or the hard drive size and if it's a SSD, etc.) I can probably use your "translat5ion" to understand all the other results' specs. Also, one thintg I can't determine on any site's specs is if the TGPU is dedicated or not (importrant for my purposes on trhe pc).Here's the full description and THANKS for any help you can give.
HP EliteDesk 600 G9 W11P-64 i5-NTL-12500T 2.00 256GB NVME 16GB (1x16GB) DDR5 4800 NIC Rfrbd Mini PC