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Suddenly getting BSOD on every startup (corrupt Windows or old hard drive?)

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#16 FiredUpIce


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Posted 25 July 2024 - 05:53 AM

The batch files are just to remove remnants of old antivirus apps and remove some crap. I was a little busy with life yesterday so i  will take a look at this when I get home. Leave malwarebytes if you wish , but you can always download it later...

Basically Water.

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#17 meeshymee

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Posted 25 July 2024 - 09:41 AM

Thank you... I need the computer and can't chance startup failure right now but will do the batch file when I can. For the one posted with all the antivirus I paste that into notepad to run? I don't see Malwarebytes on the list (maybe I missed it) .. I'd like to keep it.. don't want extra problems right now having to reinstall anything.


I don't know if anyone had the chance to take a look at the I'm hoping it helps to confirm if it's Windows or the hard drive. (5 days without shutting down - hibernate only - and not a single issue.)


Thank you!

Edited by meeshymee, 25 July 2024 - 09:49 AM.

#18 FiredUpIce


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Posted 25 July 2024 - 07:49 PM

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17134.12 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New folder (5)\070324-18111-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is:
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 7601.24545.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.200102-1707
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`04200000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`04439c90
Debug session time: Wed Jul  3 10:25:52.047 2024 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:10.530
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 24, {1904fb, fffff880041aa468, fffff880041a9cd0, fffff88002618419}

Probably caused by : Ntfs.sys ( Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119 )

Followup:     MachineOwner

3: kd> kd: Reading initial command '!analyze -v; !thread; !sysinfo cpuinfo; !sysinfo cpuspeed; !sysinfo smbios; q'
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

    If you see NtfsExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd
    parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr
    on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more informative stack
Arg1: 00000000001904fb
Arg2: fffff880041aa468
Arg3: fffff880041a9cd0
Arg4: fffff88002618419

Debugging Details:





BUILD_VERSION_STRING:  7601.24545.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.200102-1707


BUGCHECK_P1: 1904fb

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff880041aa468

BUGCHECK_P3: fffff880041a9cd0

BUGCHECK_P4: fffff88002618419

EXCEPTION_RECORD:  fffff880041aa468 -- (.exr 0xfffff880041aa468)
ExceptionAddress: fffff88002618419 (Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x0000000000000119)
   ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
   Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000
   Parameter[1]: 0000000000000018
Attempt to read from address 0000000000000018

CONTEXT:  fffff880041a9cd0 -- (.cxr 0xfffff880041a9cd0)
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=fffffa800a25e290 rcx=0000000000400020
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000001 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff88002618419 rsp=fffff880041aa6a0 rbp=0000000000000000
 r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000727 r10=fffff800044f7810
r11=fffffa8006706b50 r12=0000000000000001 r13=0000000000000702
r14=fffff88002668fa8 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po cy
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010247
fffff880`02618419 488b4818        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rax+18h] ds:002b:00000000`00000018=????????????????
Resetting default scope


CPU_MHZ: 960

CPU_VENDOR:  GenuineIntel




CPU_MICROCODE: 6,4e,3,0 (F,M,S,R)  SIG: C6'00000000 (cache) C6'00000000 (init)




fffff880`02618419 488b4818        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rax+18h]

fffff880`02618419 488b4818        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rax+18h]


READ_ADDRESS: GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from fffff8000449d100
Unable to get MmSystemRangeStart
GetUlongPtrFromAddress: unable to read from fffff8000449d2f0
GetUlongPtrFromAddress: unable to read from fffff8000449d4a8
GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from fffff8000449d0d8


ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s.

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s.


EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1:  0000000000000000

EXCEPTION_PARAMETER2:  0000000000000018


ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME:  07-24-2024 18:12:15.0620

ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.17134.12 x86fre

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from fffff8800261b454 to fffff88002618419

fffff880`041aa6a0 fffff880`0261b454 : fffffa80`0a25e290 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0a410010 : Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041aa6f0 fffff880`026ebb1a : 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0a25e290 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : Ntfs!NtfsExtendedCompleteRequestInternal+0xd4
fffff880`041aa730 fffff880`02686849 : fffffa80`0a25e290 fffffa80`0a410010 fffff880`041aaa28 fffff880`041aaa20 : Ntfs!NtfsMountVolume+0x28cd
fffff880`041aa9f0 fffff880`0260d26b : fffffa80`0a25e290 fffff800`04232e23 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`09cf7ce0 : Ntfs!NtfsCommonFileSystemControl+0xc9
fffff880`041aaaa0 fffff800`04243dc9 : fffff800`04410700 fffff800`04509b00 fffffa80`06706b00 00000000`00000001 : Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch+0x29b
fffff880`041aab70 fffff800`0453f2e8 : 00000000`00000000 fffff880`009aa180 00000000`00000080 00000000`00000001 : nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x111
fffff880`041aac00 fffff800`04299ec6 : fffff880`009aa180 fffffa80`06706b50 fffff880`009b9140 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x194
fffff880`041aac40 00000000`00000000 : fffff880`041ab000 fffff880`041a5000 fffff880`041a9770 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x16

THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC:  8668db34898fe87d3605b66faafa2186e845baeb

THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC_OFFSET:  f54040a6a88175960e74d21b9d630f4a872f8463

THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD:  651b097a0efcb5821386e66b6e93714592f6ba92



SYMBOL_NAME:  Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119

FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner


IMAGE_NAME:  Ntfs.sys


IMAGE_VERSION:  6.1.7601.24382

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xfffff880041a9cd0 ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  X64_0x24_Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119

BUCKET_ID:  X64_0x24_Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119

PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS:  X64_0x24_Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119

TARGET_TIME:  2024-07-03T14:25:52.000Z

OSBUILD:  7601







OSNAME:  Windows 7

OSEDITION:  Windows 7 WinNt (Service Pack 1) TerminalServer SingleUserTS



OSBUILD_TIMESTAMP:  2020-01-02 21:56:30


BUILDLAB_STR:  win7sp1_ldr_escrow

BUILDOSVER_STR:  6.1.7601.24545.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.200102-1707



FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  km:x64_0x24_ntfs!ntfscleanupirpcontext+119

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {dcd34379-fa7d-513f-e324-83263f448ffc}

Followup:     MachineOwner

GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from fffff8000449d000
THREAD fffffa8006706b50  Cid 0004.0028  Teb: 0000000000000000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 RUNNING on processor 3
Not impersonating
GetUlongFromAddress: unable to read from fffff800043dfc24
Owning Process            fffffa80066f0040       Image:         System
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
fffff78000000000: Unable to get shared data
Wait Start TickCount      674          
Context Switch Count      4051           IdealProcessor: 0             
ReadMemory error: Cannot get nt!KeMaximumIncrement value.
UserTime                  00:00:00.000
KernelTime                00:00:00.000
Win32 Start Address nt!ExpWorkerThread (0xfffff80004243cb8)
Stack Init fffff880041aac70 Current fffff880041a9770
Base fffff880041ab000 Limit fffff880041a5000 Call 0000000000000000
Priority 14 BasePriority 13 PriorityDecrement 0 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5
Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
fffff880`041a9498 fffff880`0260e261 : 00000000`00000024 00000000`001904fb fffff880`041aa468 fffff880`041a9cd0 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff880`041a94a0 fffff880`0262d788 : fffff880`02656638 fffff880`041aaaa0 fffff880`041aaaa0 fffffa80`09bd0b00 : Ntfs! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x27dd
fffff880`041a94e0 fffff800`04282248 : fffffa80`09de5800 fffff880`01602300 00000000`00000030 fffffa80`09a4f610 : Ntfs! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0xea5
fffff880`041a9520 fffff800`0429b1fd : fffff880`0265662c fffff880`041aaaa0 00000000`00000000 fffff880`0260a000 : nt!_C_specific_handler+0x8c
fffff880`041a9590 fffff800`0425b125 : fffff880`0265662c fffff880`041a9608 fffff880`041aa468 fffff880`0260a000 : nt!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd
fffff880`041a95c0 fffff800`0437aeee : fffff880`041aa468 fffff880`041a9cd0 fffff880`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!RtlDispatchException+0x415
fffff880`041a9ca0 fffff800`042a23c2 : fffff880`041aa468 fffffa80`0a25e290 fffff880`041aa510 00000000`00000001 : nt!KiDispatchException+0x17e
fffff880`041aa330 fffff800`042a00a8 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000018 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0a25e290 : nt!KiExceptionDispatch+0xc2
fffff880`041aa510 fffff880`02618419 : ffffd410`fc83e680 fffff800`042976c0 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000082 : nt!KiPageFault+0x428 (TrapFrame @ fffff880`041aa510)
fffff880`041aa6a0 fffff880`0261b454 : fffffa80`0a25e290 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0a410010 : Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041aa6f0 fffff880`026ebb1a : 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0a25e290 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : Ntfs!NtfsExtendedCompleteRequestInternal+0xd4
fffff880`041aa730 fffff880`02686849 : fffffa80`0a25e290 fffffa80`0a410010 fffff880`041aaa28 fffff880`041aaa20 : Ntfs!NtfsMountVolume+0x28cd
fffff880`041aa9f0 fffff880`0260d26b : fffffa80`0a25e290 fffff800`04232e23 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`09cf7ce0 : Ntfs!NtfsCommonFileSystemControl+0xc9
fffff880`041aaaa0 fffff800`04243dc9 : fffff800`04410700 fffff800`04509b00 fffffa80`06706b00 00000000`00000001 : Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch+0x29b
fffff880`041aab70 fffff800`0453f2e8 : 00000000`00000000 fffff880`009aa180 00000000`00000080 00000000`00000001 : nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x111
fffff880`041aac00 fffff800`04299ec6 : fffff880`009aa180 fffffa80`06706b50 fffff880`009b9140 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x194
fffff880`041aac40 00000000`00000000 : fffff880`041ab000 fffff880`041a5000 fffff880`041a9770 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x16

[CPU Information]
~MHz = REG_DWORD 2400
Component Information = REG_BINARY 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Configuration Data = REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Identifier = REG_SZ Intel64 Family 6 Model 78 Stepping 3
ProcessorNameString = REG_SZ Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz
Update Signature = REG_BINARY 0,0,0,0,c6,0,0,0
Update Status = REG_DWORD 2
VendorIdentifier = REG_SZ GenuineIntel
MSR8B = REG_QWORD c600000000
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz"
MaxSpeed:     2300
CurrentSpeed: 2400
sysinfo: could not find necessary interfaces.
sysinfo: note that mssmbios.sys must be loaded (XPSP2+).

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17134.12 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New folder (5)\070324-18111-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is:
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 7601.24545.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.200102-1707
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`04200000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`04439c90
Debug session time: Wed Jul  3 10:25:52.047 2024 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:10.530
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 24, {1904fb, fffff880041aa468, fffff880041a9cd0, fffff88002618419}

Probably caused by : Ntfs.sys ( Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119 )

Followup:     MachineOwner

3: kd> kd: Reading initial command 'dps @@(((nt!_kthread *)@$thread)->StackLimit) @@(((nt!_kthread *)@$thread)->StackBase); q'
fffff880`041a9000  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9008  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9010  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9018  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9020  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9028  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9030  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9038  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9040  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9048  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9050  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9058  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9060  a9e62914`6d82c196
fffff880`041a9068  f732aca3`ede0074f
fffff880`041a9070  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9078  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9080  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9088  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9090  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9098  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90b0  0001967b`0000021f
fffff880`041a90b8  00000000`00000008
fffff880`041a90c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a90f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9100  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9108  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9110  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9118  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9120  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9128  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9130  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9138  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9140  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9148  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9150  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9158  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9160  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9168  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9170  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9178  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9180  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9188  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9190  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9198  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a91f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9200  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9208  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9210  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9218  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9220  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9228  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9230  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9238  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9240  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9248  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9250  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9258  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9260  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9268  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9270  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9278  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9280  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9288  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9290  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9298  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a92f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9300  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9308  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9310  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9318  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9320  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9328  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9330  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9338  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9340  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9348  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9350  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9358  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9360  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9368  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9370  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9378  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9380  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9388  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9390  2020202a`2a2a0a0d
fffff880`041a9398  2e736674`4e202020
fffff880`041a93a0  6441202d`20737973
fffff880`041a93a8  46462073`73657264
fffff880`041a93b0  32303038`38464646
fffff880`041a93b8  62203931`34383136
fffff880`041a93c0  46207461`20657361
fffff880`041a93c8  30303838`46464646
fffff880`041a93d0  2c303030`41303632
fffff880`041a93d8  61745365`74614420
fffff880`041a93e0  34303663`3520706d
fffff880`041a93e8  ffff000a`0d366534
fffff880`041a93f0  00000000`c0000005
fffff880`041a93f8  fffff880`041a9550
fffff880`041a9400  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041a9408  fffff800`0426dab2 nt!WmiTraceMessage+0x1e
fffff880`041a9410  00000000`00000004
fffff880`041a9418  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a9420  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9428  00000000`0000326b
fffff880`041a9430  fffff880`0265662c Ntfs!HotPatchBuffer+0xfc
fffff880`041a9438  00000000`c0000005
fffff880`041a9440  fffff880`041a9550
fffff880`041a9448  00000000`c00000d8
fffff880`041a9450  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041a9458  fffff800`04293fa4 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x104
fffff880`041a9460  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041a9468  ffff0000`067c000c
fffff880`041a9470  fffff880`041a94b8
fffff880`041a9478  00000000`00000004
fffff880`041a9480  fffff880`02618419 Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041a9488  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9490  00000000`00000282
fffff880`041a9498  fffff880`0260e261 Ntfs! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x27dd
fffff880`041a94a0  00000000`00000024
fffff880`041a94a8  00000000`001904fb
fffff880`041a94b0  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a94b8  fffff880`041a9cd0
fffff880`041a94c0  fffff880`02618419 Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041a94c8  fffffa80`0a4195e0
fffff880`041a94d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a94d8  fffff880`0262d788 Ntfs! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0xea5
fffff880`041a94e0  fffff880`02656638 Ntfs!_security_cookie_complement
fffff880`041a94e8  fffff880`041aaaa0
fffff880`041a94f0  fffff880`041aaaa0
fffff880`041a94f8  fffffa80`09bd0b00
fffff880`041a9500  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9508  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9510  fffff880`041a9650
fffff880`041a9518  fffff800`04282248 nt!_C_specific_handler+0x8c
fffff880`041a9520  fffffa80`09de5800
fffff880`041a9528  fffff880`01602300 fltmgr!FltpPerformPreCallbacks+0x714
fffff880`041a9530  00000000`00000030
fffff880`041a9538  fffffa80`09a4f610
fffff880`041a9540  fffffa80`09cfb800
fffff880`041a9548  fffff800`0425be3f nt!KeQueryCurrentStackInformation+0x4b
fffff880`041a9550  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a9558  fffff880`041a9cd0
fffff880`041a9560  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9568  fffff880`02625900 Ntfs!_C_specific_handler
fffff880`041a9570  fffff880`02672114 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x68114)
fffff880`041a9578  fffff880`0260d26b Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch+0x29b
fffff880`041a9580  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9588  fffff800`0429b1fd nt!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd
fffff880`041a9590  fffff880`0265662c Ntfs!HotPatchBuffer+0xfc
fffff880`041a9598  fffff880`041aaaa0
fffff880`041a95a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a95a8  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a95b0  fffff880`041a9650
fffff880`041a95b8  fffff800`0425b125 nt!RtlDispatchException+0x415
fffff880`041a95c0  fffff880`0265662c Ntfs!HotPatchBuffer+0xfc
fffff880`041a95c8  fffff880`041a9608
fffff880`041a95d0  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a95d8  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a95e0  fffff880`041a5000
fffff880`041a95e8  00000000`00000002
fffff880`041a95f0  fffffa80`0a421b00
fffff880`041a95f8  fffffa80`0a38e010
fffff880`041a9600  fffff880`041aaaa0
fffff880`041a9608  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9610  fffff880`0265662c Ntfs!HotPatchBuffer+0xfc
fffff880`041a9618  fffff880`041a9b70
fffff880`041a9620  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9628  fffff880`02672114 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x68114)
fffff880`041a9630  fffff880`041ab000
fffff880`041a9638  fffff880`041a5000
fffff880`041a9640  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9648  fffffa80`09cfb800
fffff880`041a9650  fffff880`0260d26b Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch+0x29b
fffff880`041a9658  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9660  fffff880`02672114 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x68114)
fffff880`041a9668  fffff880`041aaaa0
fffff880`041a9670  fffff800`043f4180 nt!KiNode0+0x80
fffff880`041a9678  fffff880`041a96a0
fffff880`041a9680  fffff880`02625900 Ntfs!_C_specific_handler
fffff880`041a9688  fffff880`0265662c Ntfs!HotPatchBuffer+0xfc
fffff880`041a9690  fffff880`041a9b70
fffff880`041a9698  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a96a0  fffff880`041a9890
fffff880`041a96a8  00000000`0000ffff
fffff880`041a96b0  fffff8a0`00706130
fffff880`041a96b8  fffff880`0261842b Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x12b
fffff880`041a96c0  fffff880`041a9828
fffff880`041a96c8  fffff880`041a9aa0
fffff880`041a96d0  00001f80`00000000
fffff880`041a96d8  fffff8a0`00700010
fffff880`041a96e0  00010247`00181b80
fffff880`041a96e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a96f0  fffffa80`0a421f68
fffff880`041a96f8  fffffa80`0a421b80
fffff880`041a9700  fffff880`041a97e0
fffff880`041a9708  fffff880`02619935 Ntfs!NtfsCommonCleanupOnNewStack+0x195
fffff880`041a9710  fffff880`041a97e0
fffff880`041a9718  fffff880`00000001
fffff880`041a9720  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9728  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9730  fffff880`0260cfd0 Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch
fffff880`041a9738  fffff880`041aab70
fffff880`041a9740  fffff800`044107a0 nt!ExWorkerQueue
fffff880`041a9748  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041a9750  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041a9758  fffffa80`00000000
fffff880`041a9760  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9768  fffff880`041a99a0
fffff880`041a9770  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9778  fffffa80`0a25e2d8
fffff880`041a9780  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9788  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9790  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9798  fffff800`04243dc9 nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x111
fffff880`041a97a0  00000000`00100800
fffff880`041a97a8  fffff880`041a9ee8
fffff880`041a97b0  00000000`001fffff
fffff880`041a97b8  fffff800`00001f80
fffff880`041a97c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a97c8  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041a97d0  fffff880`041a9ef0
fffff880`041a97d8  fffffa80`06689a70
fffff880`041a97e0  001fffff`001fffff
fffff880`041a97e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a97f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a97f8  00000001`00000001
fffff880`041a9800  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041a9808  fffffa80`06689a70
fffff880`041a9810  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9818  fffff880`041a9e10
fffff880`041a9820  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9828  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9830  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9838  fffff800`044f9da1 nt!ObpCreateHandle+0x281
fffff880`041a9840  fffff880`041a9968
fffff880`041a9848  fffffa80`0a1d5180
fffff880`041a9850  fffffa80`0a40b280
fffff880`041a9858  fffff880`041a9968
fffff880`041a9860  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9868  fffffa80`0a419500
fffff880`041a9870  fffff880`041a9882
fffff880`041a9878  fffff880`01600000 fltmgr!FltpEnableNameCachingForStream <PERF> (fltmgr+0x0)
fffff880`041a9880  00000000`04000100
fffff880`041a9888  fffffa80`0a1d5180
fffff880`041a9890  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9898  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a98f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9900  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9908  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9910  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9918  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9920  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9928  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9930  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9938  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9940  fffffa80`09cfb801
fffff880`041a9948  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9950  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9958  fffffa80`0a40b280
fffff880`041a9960  fffff8a0`00706260
fffff880`041a9968  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9970  fffffa80`0a1d5180
fffff880`041a9978  fffff8a0`00706130
fffff880`041a9980  fffffa80`0a41d010
fffff880`041a9988  fffffa80`0a4195e0
fffff880`041a9990  fffff880`041a99a8
fffff880`041a9998  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041a99a0  00000000`0a000001
fffff880`041a99a8  00000000`0a000001
fffff880`041a99b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a99b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a99c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a99c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a99d0  fffff880`041a9ac0
fffff880`041a99d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a99e0  fffffa80`09bd0b50
fffff880`041a99e8  fffffa80`0a41d010
fffff880`041a99f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a99f8  fffffa80`0a38e010
fffff880`041a9a00  fffffa80`0a41d440
fffff880`041a9a08  fffff880`0160283f fltmgr!FltpLegacyProcessingAfterPreCallbacksCompleted+0x24f
fffff880`041a9a10  fffffa80`066f0001
fffff880`041a9a18  fffffa80`0a41d010
fffff880`041a9a20  00000000`00000300
fffff880`041a9a28  fffffa80`00000002
fffff880`041a9a30  fffffa80`09bd0b50
fffff880`041a9a38  00000000`00000478
fffff880`041a9a40  00000000`000003e8
fffff880`041a9a48  fffffa80`0a41d010
fffff880`041a9a50  fffffa80`09bd0b50
fffff880`041a9a58  fffffa80`09a4ef40
fffff880`041a9a60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9a68  fffffa80`0768c4f0
fffff880`041a9a70  fffffa80`0a4195e0
fffff880`041a9a78  fffffa80`09bd0b50
fffff880`041a9a80  fffff8a0`00823660
fffff880`041a9a88  00000000`00000090
fffff880`041a9a90  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9a98  00000000`000007ff
fffff880`041a9aa0  fffffa80`09bd0b50
fffff880`041a9aa8  fffffa80`0a41d010
fffff880`041a9ab0  fffffa80`0a41d000
fffff880`041a9ab8  fffffa80`0a41d010
fffff880`041a9ac0  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041a9ac8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ad0  fffffa80`0a4195e0
fffff880`041a9ad8  fffffa80`0a1d5030
fffff880`041a9ae0  fffffa80`06713f30
fffff880`041a9ae8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9af0  fffffa80`0a4195e0
fffff880`041a9af8  fffff800`044fd247 nt!IopDeleteFile+0x1c7
fffff880`041a9b00  fffffa80`09b56830
fffff880`041a9b08  fffffa80`09b56830
fffff880`041a9b10  fffffa80`0a4196c0
fffff880`041a9b18  00000000`00000130
fffff880`041a9b20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9b28  00000000`000007ff
fffff880`041a9b30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9b38  fffff800`045e7996 nt!ObpFreeObject+0x266
fffff880`041a9b40  00000001`0a060000
fffff880`041a9b48  fffff880`041a9b48
fffff880`041a9b50  fffffa80`0a4195e0
fffff880`041a9b58  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041a9b60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9b68  fffffa80`0a4195b0
fffff880`041a9b70  00000000`00000005
fffff880`041a9b78  fffff880`0260cfd0 Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch
fffff880`041a9b80  fffff880`026ebb50 Ntfs!NtfsUpgradeSecurity
fffff880`041a9b88  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9b90  fffff880`026728f4 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x688f4)
fffff880`041a9b98  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9ba0  fffff880`02672b34 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x68b34)
fffff880`041a9ba8  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9bb0  fffff880`026770d0 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x6d0d0)
fffff880`041a9bb8  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9bc0  fffff880`02674f88 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x6af88)
fffff880`041a9bc8  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041a9bd0  fffff880`02672114 Ntfs!__PchSym_ <PERF> (Ntfs+0x68114)
fffff880`041a9bd8  fffff880`041aa500
fffff880`041a9be0  fffff8a0`00003730
fffff880`041a9be8  fffff800`0462c860 nt!ObpCloseHandleTableEntry+0x280
fffff880`041a9bf0  fffff880`041aa510
fffff880`041a9bf8  00000000`10000000
fffff880`041a9c00  fffff880`041aa400
fffff880`041a9c08  fffff800`0427a9d8 nt!KiPreprocessFault+0xf4
fffff880`041a9c10  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a9c18  00000000`000bde00
fffff880`041a9c20  00000000`0008008b
fffff880`041a9c28  fffff880`0168c000Unable to load image \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\MbamChameleon.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for MbamChameleon.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for MbamChameleon.sys
fffff880`041a9c30  fffff880`02618419 Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041a9c38  fffff880`0261841b Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x11b
fffff880`041a9c40  fffff880`041a9cd0
fffff880`041a9c48  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a9c50  fffff880`0261841a Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x11a
fffff880`041a9c58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9c60  fffff880`041aa330
fffff880`041a9c68  00000000`0010001f
fffff880`041a9c70  fffff880`041aa510
fffff880`041a9c78  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9c80  fffff880`041a9cd0
fffff880`041a9c88  fffff880`041aa1d0
fffff880`041a9c90  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a9c98  fffff800`0437aeee nt!KiDispatchException+0x17e
fffff880`041a9ca0  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041a9ca8  fffff880`041a9cd0
fffff880`041a9cb0  fffff880`00000000
fffff880`041a9cb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9cc0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9cc8  fffffa80`06689b00
fffff880`041a9cd0  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9cd8  fffff880`041a9d50
fffff880`041a9ce0  fffff880`0168c000 MbamChameleon+0x2e000
fffff880`041a9ce8  fffff880`016735ac MbamChameleon+0x155ac
fffff880`041a9cf0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9cf8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d00  00001f80`0010001f
fffff880`041a9d08  0053002b`002b0010
fffff880`041a9d10  00010247`0018002b
fffff880`041a9d18  fffff800`04520ed9 nt!PsCreateSystemThread+0x135
fffff880`041a9d20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d28  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d30  fffffa80`0a1e9180
fffff880`041a9d38  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041a9d40  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041a9d48  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d50  00000000`00400020
fffff880`041a9d58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d60  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041a9d68  fffff880`041aa6a0
fffff880`041a9d70  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d78  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9d80  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d88  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9d90  00000000`00000727
fffff880`041a9d98  fffff800`044f7810 nt!NtClose
fffff880`041a9da0  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041a9da8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041a9db0  00000000`00000702
fffff880`041a9db8  fffff880`02668fa8 Ntfs!NtfsData+0x28
fffff880`041a9dc0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9dc8  fffff880`02618419 Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041a9dd0  00000000`00100800
fffff880`041a9dd8  fffff880`041a9ee8
fffff880`041a9de0  00000000`001fffff
fffff880`041a9de8  fffff800`00001f80
fffff880`041a9df0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9df8  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041a9e00  fffff880`041a9ef0
fffff880`041a9e08  fffffa80`06689a70
fffff880`041a9e10  001fffff`001fffff
fffff880`041a9e18  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e28  00000001`00000001
fffff880`041a9e30  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041a9e38  fffffa80`06689a70
fffff880`041a9e40  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e48  fffff880`041a9e10
fffff880`041a9e50  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e68  fffff800`044f9da1 nt!ObpCreateHandle+0x281
fffff880`041a9e70  00320033`006d0065
fffff880`041a9e78  00740075`0061005c
fffff880`041a9e80  006b0068`0063006f
fffff880`041a9e88  00650078`0065002e
fffff880`041a9e90  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9e98  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ea0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ea8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9eb0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9eb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ec0  0001967b`0000021f
fffff880`041a9ec8  00000000`00000008
fffff880`041a9ed0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ed8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ee0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ee8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ef0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9ef8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f00  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f08  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f10  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f18  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f28  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f38  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f40  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f48  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f50  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f68  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9f70  fffff880`041aa410
fffff880`041a9f78  fffff800`044ec0cf nt!ObOpenObjectByPointerWithTag+0x133
fffff880`041a9f80  fffffa80`00000001
fffff880`041a9f88  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041a9f90  00000002`00000000
fffff880`041a9f98  fffff6fb`7ea00200
fffff880`041a9fa0  fffff880`00000000
fffff880`041a9fa8  00000000`00000201
fffff880`041a9fb0  fffffa80`0a413000
fffff880`041a9fb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9fc0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041a9fc8  fffff880`041aa590
fffff880`041a9fd0  fffff880`041aa080
fffff880`041a9fd8  fffff880`041aa030
fffff880`041a9fe0  fffff880`041aa000
fffff880`041a9fe8  fffff800`044f8500 nt!ExMapHandleToPointerEx+0x40
fffff880`041a9ff0  00000000`0000003f
fffff880`041a9ff8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa000  fffff880`0168c000 MbamChameleon+0x2e000
fffff880`041aa008  fffffa80`0a443000
fffff880`041aa010  00000000`c0000001
fffff880`041aa018  fffff880`041aa0f9
fffff880`041aa020  fffffa80`0a445088
fffff880`041aa028  fffff880`016776ad MbamChameleon+0x196ad
fffff880`041aa030  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041aa038  00000000`00000086
fffff880`041aa040  fffff880`41724765
fffff880`041aa048  fffffa80`00000000
fffff880`041aa050  fffffa80`0a445088
fffff880`041aa058  fffff880`01673031 MbamChameleon+0x15031
fffff880`041aa060  fffffa80`0a445088
fffff880`041aa068  fffff880`00000000
fffff880`041aa070  00000000`c0000001
fffff880`041aa078  fffffa80`0a443000
fffff880`041aa080  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa088  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa090  ffffffff`800001b8
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fffff880`041aa0a8  fffffa80`0a412df0
fffff880`041aa0b0  fffffa80`00120010
fffff880`041aa0b8  fffff880`041aa100
fffff880`041aa0c0  00000000`001e001c
fffff880`041aa0c8  fffff800`047e4be3 hal!HalSendSoftwareInterrupt+0x48
fffff880`041aa0d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa0d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa0e0  00000000`003e003c
fffff880`041aa0e8  fffff880`016883f0 MbamChameleon+0x2a3f0
fffff880`041aa0f0  00000000`00000202
fffff880`041aa0f8  fffff800`0423735a nt!KiDeferredReadyThread+0x31a
fffff880`041aa100  fffff800`043e4180 nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180
fffff880`041aa108  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041aa110  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041aa118  00000000`00000004
fffff880`041aa120  fffffa80`066f0000
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fffff880`041aa138  00000000`0000000f
fffff880`041aa140  00000000`00000000
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fffff880`041aa158  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa160  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa168  fffff800`04221a59 nt!RtlGetExtendedContextLength+0x19
fffff880`041aa170  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041aa178  fffff800`04255687 nt!KiFastReadyThread+0x73
fffff880`041aa180  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa188  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa190  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa198  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa1a0  000004e8`fffffb30
fffff880`041aa1a8  000004d0`fffffb30
fffff880`041aa1b0  00000000`00000019
fffff880`041aa1b8  fffff800`04255787 nt!KeReadyThread+0x23
fffff880`041aa1c0  fffffa80`0a3fc040
fffff880`041aa1c8  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa1d0  00000000`0010001f
fffff880`041aa1d8  fffff880`041aa330
fffff880`041aa1e0  fffff880`041aa1a0
fffff880`041aa1e8  000004f7`00000000
fffff880`041aa1f0  fffff880`041aa410
fffff880`041aa1f8  00000000`c0000008
fffff880`041aa200  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa208  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa210  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa218  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa220  fffff880`041a9cd0
fffff880`041aa228  fffff800`043461d2 nt!MmUnmapViewInSystemCache+0x872
fffff880`041aa230  fffffa80`00000000
fffff880`041aa238  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa240  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa248  fffffa80`0573ec40
fffff880`041aa250  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa258  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa260  fffffa80`00000040
fffff880`041aa268  fffffa80`0a1eac10
fffff880`041aa270  f8a02071`52080400
fffff880`041aa278  fffff8a0`00715208
fffff880`041aa280  fffffa80`0a412940
fffff880`041aa288  fffff8a0`00000000
fffff880`041aa290  00000000`00000040
fffff880`041aa298  00000001`cf424863
fffff880`041aa2a0  fffff6fc`c001c800
fffff880`041aa2a8  fffffa80`0a4128c0
fffff880`041aa2b0  fffff6fc`c001ca00
fffff880`041aa2b8  fffffa80`056dc6c0
fffff880`041aa2c0  fffffa80`0a40d370
fffff880`041aa2c8  fffff8a0`008235a0
fffff880`041aa2d0  4a300001`d114d821
fffff880`041aa2d8  4a200001`d12ce821
fffff880`041aa2e0  4a100001`d12cf821
fffff880`041aa2e8  4a000001`d11d0821
fffff880`041aa2f0  ffffd410`fc83e2a0
fffff880`041aa2f8  49e00001`d32d2821
fffff880`041aa300  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa308  fffff880`02668fa8 Ntfs!NtfsData+0x28
fffff880`041aa310  00000000`00000702
fffff880`041aa318  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa320  fffff880`041aa590
fffff880`041aa328  fffff800`042a23c2 nt!KiExceptionDispatch+0xc2
fffff880`041aa330  fffff880`041aa468
fffff880`041aa338  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa340  fffff880`041aa510
fffff880`041aa348  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa350  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa358  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa360  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa368  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa370  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa378  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa380  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa388  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa390  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa398  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa3f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa400  fffff880`041aa690
fffff880`041aa408  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa410  00000000`0000cff4
fffff880`041aa418  00000001`00000000
fffff880`041aa420  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041aa428  fffff800`044fb819 nt!ExDestroyHandle+0xa9
fffff880`041aa430  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa438  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa440  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa448  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa450  00000000`00000702
fffff880`041aa458  fffff880`02668fa8 Ntfs!NtfsData+0x28
fffff880`041aa460  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa468  00000000`c0000005
fffff880`041aa470  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa478  fffff880`02618419 Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041aa480  00000000`00000002
fffff880`041aa488  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa490  00000000`00000018
fffff880`041aa498  00000000`001dd71e
fffff880`041aa4a0  fffff6fb`40000000
fffff880`041aa4a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa4b0  fffff880`041aa460
fffff880`041aa4b8  fffff800`00000000
fffff880`041aa4c0  00000000`00000007
fffff880`041aa4c8  fffff880`02668fa8 Ntfs!NtfsData+0x28
fffff880`041aa4d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa4d8  fffff880`02668fa8 Ntfs!NtfsData+0x28
fffff880`041aa4e0  00000000`00000702
fffff880`041aa4e8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa4f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa4f8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa500  fffff880`041aa590
fffff880`041aa508  fffff800`042a00a8 nt!KiPageFault+0x428
fffff880`041aa510  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa518  00000000`00000018
fffff880`041aa520  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa528  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa530  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa538  00001f80`01001f53
fffff880`041aa540  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa548  00000000`00400020
fffff880`041aa550  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa558  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa560  00000000`00000727
fffff880`041aa568  fffff800`044f7810 nt!NtClose
fffff880`041aa570  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041aa578  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa580  00320033`006d0065
fffff880`041aa588  00740075`0061005c
fffff880`041aa590  006b0068`0063006f
fffff880`041aa598  00650078`0065002e
fffff880`041aa5a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5d0  0001967b`0000021f
fffff880`041aa5d8  00000000`00000008
fffff880`041aa5e0  00000000`00000018
fffff880`041aa5e8  fffff800`04520ed9 nt!PsCreateSystemThread+0x135
fffff880`041aa5f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa5f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa600  fffffa80`0a1e9180
fffff880`041aa608  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa610  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aa618  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa620  fffff880`041aa690
fffff880`041aa628  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa630  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa638  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa640  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa648  fffff880`026d4530 Ntfs!EfspCheckVolumeForRecoveryLog
fffff880`041aa650  fffffa80`09b5bcd0
fffff880`041aa658  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa660  00000000`00000030
fffff880`041aa668  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa670  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa678  fffff880`02618419 Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+0x119
fffff880`041aa680  00000000`00000010
fffff880`041aa688  00000000`00010247
fffff880`041aa690  fffff880`041aa6a0
fffff880`041aa698  00000000`00000018
fffff880`041aa6a0  ffffd410`fc83e680
fffff880`041aa6a8  fffff800`042976c0 nt!KiServiceLinkage
fffff880`041aa6b0  00000000`00000010
fffff880`041aa6b8  00000000`00000082
fffff880`041aa6c0  00000000`00000007
fffff880`041aa6c8  fffff880`02668fa8 Ntfs!NtfsData+0x28
fffff880`041aa6d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa6d8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa6e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa6e8  fffff880`0261b454 Ntfs!NtfsExtendedCompleteRequestInternal+0xd4
fffff880`041aa6f0  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa6f8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa700  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa708  fffffa80`0a410010
fffff880`041aa710  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa718  fffffa80`0a1e9180
fffff880`041aa720  fffff800`044107a0 nt!ExWorkerQueue
fffff880`041aa728  fffff880`026ebb1a Ntfs!NtfsMountVolume+0x28cd
fffff880`041aa730  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa738  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa740  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa748  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa750  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa758  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa760  fffff880`041aa7a9
fffff880`041aa768  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa770  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa778  fffff880`041aa940
fffff880`041aa780  ffff0300`041aa800
fffff880`041aa788  00000000`7dbe0000
fffff880`041aa790  00000008`00000101
fffff880`041aa798  fffff601`00000100
fffff880`041aa7a0  fffffa80`0a1e9180
fffff880`041aa7a8  fffff880`026e0000 Ntfs!NtfsUnlockVolume
fffff880`041aa7b0  fffffa80`09b55820
fffff880`041aa7b8  fffffa80`0a4105f0
fffff880`041aa7c0  fffff980`03840c00
fffff880`041aa7c8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa7d0  00030000`00000003
fffff880`041aa7d8  00000001`00000040
fffff880`041aa7e0  fffff980`02ac0c00
fffff880`041aa7e8  00030000`00000003
fffff880`041aa7f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa7f8  fffffa80`0a4103f8
fffff880`041aa800  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa808  fffff880`041aa8c0
fffff880`041aa810  fffff880`041aa8c0
fffff880`041aa818  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa820  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa828  fffffa80`0a1e9030
fffff880`041aa830  fffff8a0`007092f0
fffff880`041aa838  00010000`00000000
fffff880`041aa840  00000000`00000100
fffff880`041aa848  00000001`00000000
fffff880`041aa850  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa858  00000000`00020000
fffff880`041aa860  00000000`00080200
fffff880`041aa868  000000f8`00000000
fffff880`041aa870  00000800`00ff003f
fffff880`041aa878  00001f80`00000000
fffff880`041aa880  fffffa80`09cf9040
fffff880`041aa888  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa890  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa898  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8a8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8b0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8c8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8d0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8d8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8e8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8f0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa8f8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa900  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa908  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa910  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa918  00000000`00000005
fffff880`041aa920  fffff880`026e9240 Ntfs!NtfsMountVolume
fffff880`041aa928  fffff980`02a80d60
fffff880`041aa930  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa938  00000000`00001000
fffff880`041aa940  fffff980`038c0148
fffff880`041aa948  fffff980`038c0000
fffff880`041aa950  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa958  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa960  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa968  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa970  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa978  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa980  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa988  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa990  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa998  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa9a0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa9a8  fffff800`044107a0 nt!ExWorkerQueue
fffff880`041aa9b0  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041aa9b8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa9c0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa9c8  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aa9d0  fffffa80`0a410010
fffff880`041aa9d8  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa9e0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aa9e8  fffff880`02686849 Ntfs!NtfsCommonFileSystemControl+0xc9
fffff880`041aa9f0  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aa9f8  fffffa80`0a410010
fffff880`041aaa00  fffff880`041aaa28
fffff880`041aaa08  fffff880`041aaa20
fffff880`041aaa10  fffffa80`06706c58
fffff880`041aaa18  fffff800`04232452 nt!KiCommitThreadWait+0x1d2
fffff880`041aaa20  fffffa80`0a40e330
fffff880`041aaa28  fffffa80`0a1e9180
fffff880`041aaa30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaa38  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041aaa40  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaa48  00000000`000e0082
fffff880`041aaa50  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaa58  fffff880`0261aebe Ntfs!NtfsInitializeTopLevelIrp+0x3e
fffff880`041aaa60  fffff880`0260a000 Ntfs!RtlULongLongToULong <PERF> (Ntfs+0x0)
fffff880`041aaa68  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaa70  ffff0000`067cc85f
fffff880`041aaa78  fffffa80`0a410010
fffff880`041aaa80  fffffa80`0a410010
fffff880`041aaa88  fffff880`041aab00
fffff880`041aaa90  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aaa98  fffff880`0260d26b Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch+0x29b
fffff880`041aaaa0  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aaaa8  fffff800`04232e23 nt!KeRemoveQueueEx+0x323
fffff880`041aaab0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaab8  fffffa80`09cf7ce0
fffff880`041aaac0  fffffa80`00000000
fffff880`041aaac8  fffffa80`09cf7c00
fffff880`041aaad0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaad8  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aaae0  fffff880`00000000
fffff880`041aaae8  fffff880`041aab00
fffff880`041aaaf0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaaf8  fffffa80`0a410010
fffff880`041aab00  5346544e`04000001
fffff880`041aab08  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aab10  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aab18  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aab20  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aab28  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aab30  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aab38  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aab40  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aab48  fffffa80`0a25e2d8
fffff880`041aab50  fffffa80`0a25e290
fffff880`041aab58  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041aab60  fffff880`0260cfd0 Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch
fffff880`041aab68  fffff800`04243dc9 nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x111
fffff880`041aab70  fffff800`04410700 nt!ExpWorkerSwapinMutex+0x20
fffff880`041aab78  fffff800`04509b00 nt!SeCopyClientToken+0xb0
fffff880`041aab80  fffffa80`06706b00
fffff880`041aab88  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aab90  fffff880`041aaba0
fffff880`041aab98  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aaba0  fffffa80`0a25e2d8
fffff880`041aaba8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aabb0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aabb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aabc0  ffffd410`fc83e800
fffff880`041aabc8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aabd0  fffff800`04243cb8 nt!ExpWorkerThread
fffff880`041aabd8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aabe0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aabe8  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041aabf0  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aabf8  fffff800`0453f2e8 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x194
fffff880`041aac00  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aac08  fffff880`009aa180
fffff880`041aac10  00000000`00000080
fffff880`041aac18  00000000`00000001
fffff880`041aac20  fffffa80`06706148
fffff880`041aac28  fffffa80`066f0040
fffff880`041aac30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aac38  fffff800`04299ec6 nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x16
fffff880`041aac40  fffff880`009aa180
fffff880`041aac48  fffffa80`06706b50
fffff880`041aac50  fffff880`009b9140
fffff880`041aac58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aac60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aac68  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aac70  fffff880`041ab000
fffff880`041aac78  fffff880`041a5000
fffff880`041aac80  fffff880`041a9770
fffff880`041aac88  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aac90  fffff880`041a5000
fffff880`041aac98  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaca0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaca8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacb0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacc0  00000000`00000040
fffff880`041aacc8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacd0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacd8  0000ffff`00001f80
fffff880`041aace0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aace8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacf0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aacf8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad00  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad08  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad10  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad18  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad28  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad38  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad40  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad48  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad50  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad68  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad70  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad78  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad80  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad88  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad90  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aad98  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aada0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aada8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadb0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadc0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadc8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadd0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadd8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aade0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aade8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadf0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aadf8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae00  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae08  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae10  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae18  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae28  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae38  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae40  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae48  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae50  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae68  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae70  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae78  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae80  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae88  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae90  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aae98  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaea0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaea8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaeb0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaeb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaec0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaec8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaed0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaed8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaee0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaee8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaef0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaef8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf00  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf08  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf10  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf18  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf20  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf28  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf30  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf38  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf40  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf48  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf50  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf58  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf60  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf68  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf70  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf78  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf80  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf88  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf90  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaf98  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafa0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafa8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafb0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafb8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafc0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafc8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafd0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafd8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafe0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aafe8  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaff0  00000000`00000000
fffff880`041aaff8  00000000`00000000

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17134.12 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New folder (5)\070324-18111-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is:
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 7601.24545.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.200102-1707
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`04200000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`04439c90
Debug session time: Wed Jul  3 10:25:52.047 2024 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:10.530
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 24, {1904fb, fffff880041aa468, fffff880041a9cd0, fffff88002618419}

Probably caused by : Ntfs.sys ( Ntfs!NtfsCleanupIrpContext+119 )

Followup:     MachineOwner

3: kd> kd: Reading initial command 'lmvm Ntfs; lmvm MbamChameleon; q'
start             end                 module name
fffff880`0260a000 fffff880`027b1000   Ntfs       (pdb symbols)          C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\MiniDumper\sym\ntfs.pdb\F746DEB6FD8F43AEA0E8CE94B499EF852\ntfs.pdb
    Loaded symbol image file: Ntfs.sys
    Mapped memory image file: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\MiniDumper\sym\Ntfs.sys\5C6044E61a7000\Ntfs.sys
    Image path: \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Ntfs.sys
    Image name: Ntfs.sys
    Timestamp:        Sun Feb 10 07:36:06 2019 (5C6044E6)
    CheckSum:         001A495B
    ImageSize:        001A7000
    File version:     6.1.7601.24382
    Product version:  6.1.7601.24382
    File flags:       0 (Mask 3F)
    File OS:          40004 NT Win32
    File type:        3.7 Driver
    File date:        00000000.00000000
    Translations:     0409.04b0
    Information from resource tables:
        CompanyName:      Microsoft Corporation
        ProductName:      Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
        InternalName:     ntfs.sys
        OriginalFilename: ntfs.sys
        ProductVersion:   6.1.7601.24382
        FileVersion:      6.1.7601.24382 (win7sp1_ldr.190210-0600)
        FileDescription:  NT File System Driver
        LegalCopyright:   © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
start             end                 module name
fffff880`0165e000 fffff880`01698000   MbamChameleon   (deferred)             
    Image path: \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\MbamChameleon.sys
    Image name: MbamChameleon.sys
    Timestamp:        Tue May 28 08:10:30 2024 (6655F3E6)
    CheckSum:         0003773A
    ImageSize:        0003A000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
    Information from resource tables:

Basically Water.

#19 FiredUpIce


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Posted 25 July 2024 - 07:54 PM

It looks a lot like malwarebytes is the issue here.


You can remove it and run both batch files I provided as well.  Create a system restore point prior to running running the batch files and removing malwarebytes.



You can also run both of these programs and provide screen shots of each outcome after the tools has ran  for HDD Tune do not do the short test.


Crystal Disk

Hdd Tune


Remove these from your machine as well.


    410536   8/25/2022    2:57:54 AM  "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HouseCall\Tmcomm.sys"
     67168   8/25/2022    2:57:54 AM  "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HouseCall\TMEBC64.sys"

Edited by FiredUpIce, 25 July 2024 - 08:03 PM.

Basically Water.

#20 FiredUpIce


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Posted 25 July 2024 - 08:19 PM

Do you have any idea what these randomly named drivers are? Can you send a couple of them to  virustotal?



Use this tool for me.

Right click run as admin,

View hide microsoft drivers.

Then Edit select all

File save selected items.

Save to desktop.;

name the file abc

and under save as type

Select html file vertical


Upload it here please.

    255928   11/7/2023    9:20:44 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\1647D1AB.sys"
    255928   4/10/2024   10:04:56 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\16665232.sys"
    255928   7/20/2023    9:47:39 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\1725E318.sys"
    255928   12/26/2023   10:06:10 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\2117574D.sys"
    255928   6/10/2023    6:26:29 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\2137666F.sys"
    255928   9/25/2020   11:32:15 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\21482330.sys"
    255928   4/23/2020    8:45:15 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\2267138F.sys"
    255928   10/8/2022    6:58:36 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\2312871F.sys"
    255928    7/5/2022    3:33:34 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\247F02B5.sys"
    255928   4/17/2020    1:11:27 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\2513236F.sys"
    255928   10/13/2023    6:32:04 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\25761652.sys"
    255928   3/16/2023   11:16:07 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\2D4343F7.sys"
    255928    8/1/2023    5:02:54 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\3353433B.sys"
    255928   7/24/2022    5:52:03 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\3629E23C.sys"
    255928   10/5/2023   10:10:55 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\36758AE8.sys"
    255928   9/26/2023   11:22:18 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\3692B4F9.sys"
    255928   7/21/2022    1:15:46 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\412435CD.sys"
    255928   5/20/2023   11:05:16 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\4371E38F.sys"
    255928   1/23/2023   11:04:17 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\45342192.sys"
    255928   6/22/2020   10:29:52 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\47252210.sys"
    255928   11/16/2022   10:39:48 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\477715DF.sys"
    255928   3/31/2024    4:00:06 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\512536A4.sys"
    255928   1/24/2024    7:29:25 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\52564AD6.sys"
    255928    7/2/2022    6:22:00 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\542152F1.sys"
    255928   9/10/2020    9:59:37 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\547D95E3.sys"
    255928   5/29/2022    5:45:00 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\5511C251.sys"
    255928    6/6/2024    7:12:03 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\551592DC.sys"
    255928   1/26/2022   11:13:49 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\5565A7B5.sys"
    255928   12/17/2020    8:28:54 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\557615C5.sys"
    255928    6/2/2020   10:42:10 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\5C62327C.sys"
    255928   10/18/2022    9:03:08 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\621654BC.sys"
    255928   1/18/2023    2:06:55 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\635331E5.sys"
    255928    5/9/2022    6:14:49 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\644331FC.sys"
    255928   5/10/2021   10:22:44 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\666453B7.sys"
    255928   2/16/2023    9:13:29 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\67223334.sys"
    255928    7/2/2022    8:35:23 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\673291CC.sys"
    255928   4/30/2021   12:36:02 AM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\6F467134.sys"
    255928    5/9/2023    7:34:59 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\72612919.sys"
    255928    9/6/2023   12:54:14 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\7553B522.sys"
    255928   9/18/2022    6:57:22 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\76168130.sys"
    255928   8/21/2022    5:35:30 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\762461A2.sys"
    255928   7/11/2023    6:46:49 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\76784117.sys"
    255928   7/10/2020    5:02:43 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\76D13F8E.sys"
    255928   1/18/2024    8:26:31 PM  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\77232669.sys"

Edited by FiredUpIce, 25 July 2024 - 08:37 PM.

Basically Water.

#21 FiredUpIce


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Posted 25 July 2024 - 09:11 PM

Open note pad

Copy and paste the content of the code box.

Paste into notepad.

Save it as 123.bat

to desktop

right click run as admin,.


This is how you run the batch file I created/

Basically Water.

#22 meeshymee

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Posted 25 July 2024 - 09:40 PM

Sorry.. can you tell me one at a time what to do?


Malwarebytes is causing problems? Why would it do that suddenly?

I run both of them one after the other? In safe mode?


I used CrystalDiskInfo before posting.. It says hard drive is good.. I'm not sure if this is the same version as the link you sent but the link you sent doesn't do anything when I try to download. Below is the info. I have.



Do you have any idea what these randomly named drivers are? Can you send a couple of them to  virustotal?

which ones? That entire list are unknown?? Maybe from Lenovo? If I understand correctly.. I randomly picked the 2nd one (because it said 2024) and uploaded to the site It says nothing detected. See picture attached.


I deleted the two sys files from the folder.


It won't let me upload the drivers abc 'vertical html' file.. says I don't have permission.I pasted the info. below.


I appreciate your help but I'm not sure hoe to do all of it and in which order.. I'm also not sure which things will require reboot which I can't do right now because I worry I won;t be able to turn it on again (am waiting for sunday pm)



CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.2 © 2008-2024 hiyohiyo
                                Crystal Dew World:

    OS : Windows 7 Professional   [6.1 Build 7601] (x64)
  Date : 2024/07/25 23:01:31

-- Controller Map ----------------------------------------------------------
 + Intel® 6th Generation Core Processor Family Platform I/O SATA AHCI Controller [ATA]
   - WDC WD5000LPLX-08ZNT SCSI Disk Device
 - BayHubTech Integrated MMC/SD controller [SCSI]

-- Disk List ---------------------------------------------------------------
 (01) WDC WD5000LPLX-08ZNTT0 : 500.1 GB [0/0/0, pd1]

 (01) WDC WD5000LPLX-08ZNTT0
           Model : WDC WD5000LPLX-08ZNTT0
        Firmware : 05.01A05
   Serial Number : WD-WXK1A475JPJP
       Disk Size : 500.1 GB (8.4/137.4/500.1/----)
     Buffer Size : 32767 KB
     Queue Depth : 32
    # of Sectors : 976773168
   Rotation Rate : 7200 RPM
       Interface : Serial ATA
   Major Version : ACS-2
   Minor Version : ACS-3 Revision 3b
   Transfer Mode : SATA/600 | SATA/600
  Power On Hours : 22419 hours
  Power On Count : 4264 count
     Temperature : 37 C (98 F)
   Health Status : Good
        Features : S.M.A.R.T., APM, NCQ, GPL
       APM Level : 0060h [ON]
       AAM Level : ----
    Drive Letter : C:

-- S.M.A.R.T. --------------------------------------------------------------
ID Cur Wor Thr RawValues(6) Attribute Name
01 200 200 _51 000000000000 Read Error Rate
03 144 142 _21 0000000006FF Spin-Up Time
04 _46 _46 __0 00000000D33F Start/Stop Count
05 200 200 140 000000000000 Reallocated Sectors Count
07 200 200 _51 000000000000 Seek Error Rate
09 _70 _70 __0 000000005793 Power-On Hours
0A 100 100 __0 000000000000 Spin Retry Count
0B 100 100 __0 000000000000 Recalibration Retries
0C _96 _96 __0 0000000010A8 Power Cycle Count
C0 200 200 __0 00000000004D Power-off Retract Count
C1 134 134 __0 0000000308CA Load/Unload Cycle Count
C2 106 _83 __0 000000000025 Temperature
C4 200 200 __0 000000000000 Reallocation Event Count
C5 200 200 __0 000000000000 Current Pending Sector Count
C6 100 253 __0 000000000000 Uncorrectable Sector Count
C7 200 200 __0 000000000000 UltraDMA CRC Error Count
C8 200 200 __0 000000000000 Write Error Rate
F0 _70 _70 __0 0000000055BA Head Flying Hours

-- IDENTIFY_DEVICE ---------------------------------------------------------
        0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
000: 427A 3FFF C837 0010 0000 0000 003F 0000 0000 0000
010: 2020 2020 2057 442D 5758 4B31 4134 3735 4A50 4A50
020: 0000 FFFF 0000 3035 2E30 3141 3035 5744 4320 5744
030: 3530 3030 4C50 4C58 2D30 385A 4E54 5430 2020 2020
040: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 8010 4000 2F00
050: 4000 0000 0000 0007 3FFF 0010 003F FC10 00FB 0110
060: FFFF 0FFF 0000 0007 0003 0078 0078 0078 0078 0D00
070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001F 9D0E 0006 004C 004C
080: 03FE 001F 346B 7D09 6123 3469 BC09 6123 407F 0024
090: 0024 0060 FFFE 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
100: 6030 3A38 0000 0000 0000 0000 6003 0000 5001 4EE6
110: B246 24BE 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 401C
120: 401C 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0029 0400
130: 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
140: 0000 0000 0004 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
150: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
160: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
170: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
180: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
190: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
200: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3035 0000 0000 4000
210: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1C20 0000 0000
220: 0000 0000 107E 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
230: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
240: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
250: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 49A5

-- SMART_READ_DATA ---------------------------------------------------------
     +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F
000: 10 00 01 2F 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 27
010: 00 90 8E FF 06 00 00 00 00 00 04 32 00 2E 2E 3F
020: D3 00 00 00 00 00 05 33 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00
030: 00 00 07 2F 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 32
040: 00 46 46 93 57 00 00 00 00 00 0A 32 00 64 64 00
050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 32 00 64 64 00 00 00 00 00
060: 00 00 0C 32 00 60 60 A8 10 00 00 00 00 00 C0 32
070: 00 C8 C8 4D 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 32 00 86 86 CA
080: 08 03 00 00 00 00 C2 22 00 6A 53 25 00 00 00 00
090: 00 00 C4 32 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C5 32
0A0: 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C6 30 00 64 FD 00
0B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 32 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00
0C0: 00 00 C8 08 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 32
0D0: 00 46 46 BA 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
100: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
110: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
120: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
130: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
140: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
150: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
160: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7C 1A 01 7B
170: 03 00 01 00 02 50 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
180: 00 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
190: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5E

-- SMART_READ_THRESHOLD ----------------------------------------------------
     +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F
000: 10 00 01 33 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 15
010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00
020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 8C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
030: 00 00 07 33 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00
040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00
050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
060: 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00
070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 00 00 00 00 00
080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
090: 00 00 C4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C5 00
0A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C6 00 00 00 00 00
0B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0C0: 00 00 C8 00 C8 C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00
0D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
100: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
110: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
120: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
130: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
140: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
150: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
160: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
170: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
180: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
190: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EA


Drivers List
Created by using DriverView


Driver Name amdxata.sys Address FFFFF880`01600000 End Address FFFFF880`0160B000 Size 0x0000b000 Load Count 1 Index 27 File Type System Driver Description Storage Filter Driver Version Company Advanced Micro Devices Product Name Storage Filter Driver Modified Date 3/11/2011 2:41:12 AM Created Date 1/5/2019 12:23:59 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\drivers\amdxata.sys File Attributes A Service Name amdxata Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name ApsHM64.sys Address FFFFF880`027E9000 End Address FFFFF880`027F4000 Size 0x0000b000 Load Count 1 Index 44 File Type System Driver Description ThinkVantage Active Protection System HID Digitizer Activity Monitor Driver Version Company Lenovo. Product Name ThinkVantage Active Protection System Modified Date 3/21/2017 1:31:12 AM Created Date 3/21/2017 1:31:12 AM Filename C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ApsHM64.sys File Attributes A Service Name TPDIGIMN Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name Apsx64.sys Address FFFFF880`0223A000 End Address FFFFF880`02264000 Size 0x0002a000 Load Count 1 Index 47 File Type Installable Driver Description Shockproof Disk Driver Version Company Lenovo. Product Name ThinkVantage Active Protection System Modified Date 3/21/2017 1:31:12 AM Created Date 3/21/2017 1:31:12 AM Filename C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\Apsx64.sys File Attributes A Service Name Shockprf Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name ATMFD.DLL Address FFFFF960`00990000 End Address FFFFF960`009F3000 Size 0x00063000 Load Count 2 Index 149 File Type Driver Description Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver Version Company Adobe Systems Incorporated Product Name Adobe Type Manager Modified Date 11/14/2019 10:25:22 PM Created Date 12/11/2019 11:16:30 AM Filename C:\Windows\System32\ATMFD.DLL File Attributes A Service Name   Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name bhtpcrdr.sys Address FFFFF880`0674D000 End Address FFFFF880`06783000 Size 0x00036000 Load Count 1 Index 90 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description BayHubTech/O2Micro SD Reader Driver Version Company BayHubTech/O2Micro Product Name BayHubTech/O2Micro SD Reader Driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:06:00 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:06:00 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\bhtpcrdr.sys File Attributes A Service Name BHTPCRDR Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_a2dp.sys Address FFFFF880`03883000 End Address FFFFF880`038EB000 Size 0x00068000 Load Count 1 Index 142 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros A2DP driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\drivers\btath_a2dp.sys File Attributes A Service Name BTATH_A2DP Service Display Name Bluetooth A2DP Audio Driver Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_avdt.sys Address FFFFF880`09236000 End Address FFFFF880`09260000 Size 0x0002a000 Load Count 1 Index 141 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth AVDT driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\drivers\btath_avdt.sys File Attributes A Service Name btath_avdt Service Display Name Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth AVDT Service Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_bus.sys Address FFFFF880`067CD000 End Address FFFFF880`067DA000 Size 0x0000d000 Load Count 1 Index 115 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros BUS driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\btath_bus.sys File Attributes A Service Name BTATH_BUS Service Display Name Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Bus Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_flt.sys Address FFFFF880`03938000 End Address FFFFF880`03954000 Size 0x0001c000 Load Count 1 Index 144 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros FILTER driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\btath_flt.sys File Attributes A Service Name AthBTPort Service Display Name Qualcomm Atheros Virtual Bluetooth Class Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_hcrp.sys Address FFFFF880`038EB000 End Address FFFFF880`03938000 Size 0x0004d000 Load Count 1 Index 143 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros HCRP driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\btath_hcrp.sys File Attributes A Service Name BTATH_HCRP Service Display Name Bluetooth HCRP Server driver Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_lwflt.sys Address FFFFF880`03954000 End Address FFFFF880`0396C000 Size 0x00018000 Load Count 1 Index 145 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros FILTER driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\btath_lwflt.sys File Attributes A Service Name BTATH_LWFLT Service Display Name Bluetooth LWFLT Device Digital Signature



Driver Name btath_rcp.sys Address FFFFF880`09893000 End Address FFFFF880`098DF000 Size 0x0004c000 Load Count 1 Index 140 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Qualcomm Atheros AVRCP driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros Product Name Blue Manager Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\btath_rcp.sys File Attributes A Service Name BTATH_RCP Service Display Name Bluetooth AVRCP Device Digital Signature



Driver Name btfilter.sys Address FFFFF880`09283000 End Address FFFFF880`09329000 Size 0x000a6000 Load Count 1 Index 126 File Type System Driver Description Qualcomm BtFilter Driver Version Company Qualcomm Product Name Windows ® Win 7 DDK driver Modified Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Created Date 5/23/2018 6:09:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\btfilter.sys File Attributes A Service Name BtFilter Service Display Name BtFilter Digital Signature



Driver Name CHDRT64.sys Address FFFFF880`09425000 End Address FFFFF880`095A4000 Size 0x0017f000 Load Count 1 Index 119 File Type Sound Driver Description 64-bit High Definition Audio Function Driver Version Company Conexant Systems Inc. Product Name Conexant HDAudio Driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:07:33 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:07:33 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\drivers\CHDRT64.sys File Attributes A Service Name CnxtHdAudService Service Display Name Conexant UAA Function Driver for High Definition Audio Service Digital Signature



Driver Name dump_diskdump.sys Address FFFFF880`0981A000 End Address FFFFF880`09824000 Size 0x0000a000 Load Count 2 Index 134 File Type Unknown Description   Version   Company   Product Name   Modified Date N/A Created Date N/A Filename C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dump_diskdump.sys File Attributes   Service Name   Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name dump_dumpfve.sys Address FFFFF880`09824000 End Address FFFFF880`09837000 Size 0x00013000 Load Count 1 Index 136 File Type Unknown Description   Version   Company   Product Name   Modified Date N/A Created Date N/A Filename C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dump_dumpfve.sys File Attributes   Service Name   Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name dump_iaStorAC.sys Address FFFFF880`05822000 End Address FFFFF880`06375000 Size 0x00b53000 Load Count 1 Index 135 File Type Unknown Description   Version   Company   Product Name   Modified Date N/A Created Date N/A Filename C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dump_iaStorAC.sys File Attributes   Service Name   Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name farflt.sys Address FFFFF880`0D800000 End Address FFFFF880`0D83D000 Size 0x0003d000 Load Count 1 Index 175 File Type System Driver Description Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Protection Version Company Malwarebytes Product Name Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Protection Modified Date 7/24/2024 8:50:17 AM Created Date 7/24/2024 8:50:17 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\farflt.sys File Attributes A Service Name MBAMFarflt Service Display Name MBAMFarflt Digital Signature



Driver Name HWiNFO64A.SYS Address FFFFF880`04C6A000 End Address FFFFF880`04C74000 Size 0x0000a000 Load Count 1 Index 78 File Type System Driver Description HWiNFO AMD64 Kernel Driver Version Company REALiX™ Product Name HWiNFO AMD64 Kernel Driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:02:13 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:02:13 PM Filename C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\HWiNFO64A.SYS File Attributes A Service Name HWiNFO32 Service Display Name HWiNFO32/64 Kernel Driver Digital Signature



Driver Name iaStorA.sys Address FFFFF880`010FB000 End Address FFFFF880`015CB000 Size 0x004d0000 Load Count 1 Index 24 File Type System Driver Description Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver - x64 Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver Modified Date 1/5/2017 5:39:30 PM Created Date 1/4/2019 7:18:28 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\iaStorA.sys File Attributes A Service Name iaStorA Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name iaStorAC.sys Address FFFFF880`016AA000 End Address FFFFF880`021FD000 Size 0x00b53000 Load Count 1 Index 26 File Type System Driver Description Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver - x64 Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:15:15 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:15:15 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\iaStorAC.sys File Attributes A Service Name iaStorAC Service Display Name Intel® Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller Digital Signature



Driver Name iaStorF.sys Address FFFFF880`025F4000 End Address FFFFF880`025FF000 Size 0x0000b000 Load Count 1 Index 49 File Type System Driver Description Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Filter driver - x64 Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Filter driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:15:15 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:15:15 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\iaStorF.sys File Attributes A Service Name iaStorF Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name ibmpmdrv.sys Address FFFFF880`06A32000 End Address FFFFF880`06A47000 Size 0x00015000 Load Count 1 Index 97 File Type System Driver Description Lenovo Power Management Driver Version Company Lenovo. Product Name ThinkPad Modified Date 12/11/2019 6:42:30 PM Created Date 7/16/2022 1:59:56 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\ibmpmdrv.sys File Attributes A Service Name IBMPMDRV Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name igdkmd64.sys Address FFFFF880`074A2000 End Address FFFFF880`07F67000 Size 0x00ac5000 Load Count 1 Index 84 File Type Display Driver Description Intel Graphics Kernel Mode Driver Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows® Modified Date 4/10/2020 9:37:28 AM Created Date 8/2/2020 10:46:38 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\igdkmd64.sys File Attributes A Service Name igfx Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name IntcDAud.sys Address FFFFF880`05200000 End Address FFFFF880`05277000 Size 0x00077000 Load Count 1 Index 123 File Type Sound Driver Description Intel® Display Audio Driver Version Company Intel® Corporation Product Name Intel® Display Audio Modified Date 10/14/2017 12:36:58 PM Created Date 1/4/2019 6:50:05 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\IntcDAud.sys File Attributes A Service Name IntcDAud Service Display Name Intel® Display Audio Digital Signature



Driver Name iusb3hub.sys Address FFFFF880`07400000 End Address FFFFF880`07466000 Size 0x00066000 Load Count 1 Index 118 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Intel® USB 3.0 Hub Driver Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name USB 3.0 Device Driver Modified Date 11/29/2016 11:32:00 AM Created Date 1/4/2019 8:54:54 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\iusb3hub.sys File Attributes A Service Name iusb3hub Service Display Name Intel® USB 3.0 Hub Driver Digital Signature



Driver Name iusb3xhc.sys Address FFFFF880`0664E000 End Address FFFFF880`06719000 Size 0x000cb000 Load Count 1 Index 87 File Type Dynamic Link Library Description Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name USB 3.0 Device Driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:14:28 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:14:28 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\iusb3xhc.sys File Attributes A Service Name iusb3xhc Service Display Name Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver Digital Signature



Driver Name mbae64.sys Address FFFFF880`0D83D000 End Address FFFFF880`0D865000 Size 0x00028000 Load Count 1 Index 176 File Type Unknown Description Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Version Company Malwarebytes Product Name Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Modified Date 6/9/2022 10:04:22 PM Created Date 12/17/2020 2:36:37 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbae64.sys File Attributes A Service Name ESProtectionDriver Service Display Name Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Digital Signature



Driver Name mbam.sys Address FFFFF880`0D865000 End Address FFFFF880`0D87C000 Size 0x00017000 Load Count 1 Index 177 File Type Application Description Malwarebytes Real-Time Protection Version Company Malwarebytes Product Name Malwarebytes Real-Time Protection Modified Date 7/24/2024 8:50:20 AM Created Date 7/24/2024 8:50:20 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\mbam.sys File Attributes A Service Name MBAMProtection Service Display Name MBAMProtection Digital Signature



Driver Name MbamChameleon.sys Address FFFFF880`0D96B000 End Address FFFFF880`0D9A5000 Size 0x0003a000 Load Count 1 Index 173 File Type Application Description Malwarebytes Chameleon Version Company Malwarebytes Product Name Malwarebytes Chameleon Modified Date 7/20/2024 11:34:44 AM Created Date 7/20/2024 11:34:44 AM Filename C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MbamChameleon.sys File Attributes A Service Name mbamchameleon Service Display Name MBAMChameleon Digital Signature



Driver Name mbamswissarmy.sys Address FFFFF880`0D92D000 End Address FFFFF880`0D96B000 Size 0x0003e000 Load Count 1 Index 172 File Type Application Description Malwarebytes SwissArmy Version Company Malwarebytes Product Name Malwarebytes SwissArmy Modified Date 7/20/2024 11:34:41 AM Created Date 2/11/2024 8:01:53 PM Filename C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys File Attributes A Service Name MBAMSwissArmy Service Display Name MBAMSwissArmy Digital Signature



Driver Name mwac.sys Address FFFFF880`0D9A5000 End Address FFFFF880`0D9CE000 Size 0x00029000 Load Count 1 Index 174 File Type Network Driver Description Malwarebytes Web Protection Version Company Malwarebytes Product Name Malwarebytes Web Protection Modified Date 7/24/2024 8:49:57 AM Created Date 7/24/2024 8:49:57 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\mwac.sys File Attributes A Service Name MBAMWebProtection Service Display Name MBAMWebProtection Digital Signature



Driver Name pmdrvs.sys Address FFFFF880`027D5000 End Address FFFFF880`027DF000 Size 0x0000a000 Load Count 1 Index 39 File Type Unknown Description Lenovo Power Management Driver Version Company Lenovo. Product Name Lenovo Power Management Driver Modified Date 12/11/2019 6:42:30 PM Created Date 7/16/2022 1:59:56 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pmdrvs.sys File Attributes A Service Name PMDRVS Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name Qcamain7x64.sys Address FFFFF880`06A62000 End Address FFFFF880`06DE4000 Size 0x00382000 Load Count 1 Index 92 File Type Network Driver Description Qualcomm Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver Version Company Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. Product Name Driver for Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 Network Adapter Modified Date 11/9/2017 8:32:42 AM Created Date 11/9/2017 8:32:42 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Qcamain7x64.sys File Attributes A Service Name Qcamain Service Display Name Qualcomm Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN 11AC device driver Digital Signature



Driver Name Rt64win7.sys Address FFFFF880`05499000 End Address FFFFF880`05597000 Size 0x000fe000 Load Count 1 Index 91 File Type Network Driver Description Realtek 8136/8168/8169 NDIS 6.20 64-bit Driver Version 7.101.714.2016 Company Realtek Product Name Realtek 8136/8168/8169 PCI/PCIe Adapters Modified Date 10/19/2016 3:41:44 PM Created Date 1/4/2019 8:55:34 PM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Rt64win7.sys File Attributes A Service Name RTL8167 Service Display Name Realtek 8167 NT Driver Digital Signature



Driver Name Smb_driver_Intel.sys Address FFFFF880`06A47000 End Address FFFFF880`06A56000 Size 0x0000f000 Load Count 1 Index 99 File Type Driver Description Synaptics SMBus Driver Version Company Synaptics Incorporated Product Name Synaptics SMBus Driver Modified Date 1/12/2020 11:18:00 PM Created Date 1/30/2024 10:29:14 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Smb_driver_Intel.sys File Attributes A Service Name SmbDrvI Service Display Name   Digital Signature



Driver Name SPUVCbv64.sys Address FFFFF880`098F3000 End Address FFFFF880`099FC000 Size 0x00109000 Load Count 1 Index 130 File Type Driver Description SunplusIT Camera Driver Version Company Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. Product Name SunplusIT Camera Driver Modified Date 4/21/2020 8:19:53 PM Created Date 4/21/2020 8:19:53 PM Filename C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\SPUVCbv64.sys File Attributes A Service Name SPUVCbv Service Display Name SPUVCb Driver Service Digital Signature



Driver Name TeeDriverx64.sys Address FFFFF880`0671B000 End Address FFFFF880`0674D000 Size 0x00032000 Load Count 1 Index 89 File Type System Driver Description Intel® Management Engine Interface Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name Intel® Management Engine Interface Modified Date 11/28/2017 6:07:02 AM Created Date 11/28/2017 6:07:02 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\TeeDriverx64.sys File Attributes A Service Name MEIx64 Service Display Name Intel® Management Engine Interface Digital Signature



Driver Name XtuAcpiDriver.sys Address FFFFF880`055E2000 End Address FFFFF880`055F2000 Size 0x00010000 Load Count 1 Index 102 File Type Installable Driver Description Intel® Acpi Control Driver Version Company Intel Corporation Product Name Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility Performance Tuning Driver Modified Date 4/18/2017 6:02:34 AM Created Date 4/18/2017 6:02:34 AM Filename C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\XtuAcpiDriver.sys File Attributes A Service Name XtuAcpiDriver Service Display Name Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility Device Service Digital Signature

Attached Files

Edited by meeshymee, 25 July 2024 - 10:22 PM.

#23 FiredUpIce


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Posted 26 July 2024 - 01:52 AM

I do not know why malwarebytes is blamed in the BSOD ?  But it most certainly is, that program does update from time to time...



I am sorry if you do not want to remove malwarebytes, I am unsure how to trouble shoot if the information you are giving me points in one direction and you are unwilling to go there.


I understand that you have had the program for a while windows is strange what works today may not work tomorrow.


Crystal disk says the Harddrive is fine. Also, HDtune is fine to download with the link I provided.

Edited by FiredUpIce, 26 July 2024 - 01:57 AM.

Basically Water.

#24 meeshymee

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Posted 26 July 2024 - 11:40 AM

I can uninstall as long as I can put it back - it's not the free version.


I am just confused which order to do things.. I will definitely do the batch things Sunday (I need to use the computer til then and am afraid it won't restart like last time, after shutting down or rebooting ).


So it seems my Malwarebytes is causing the BSOD on startup? And a reinstall will fix it?


It won't let me down download hdd... see attached.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  hdd.JPG   14.73KB   0 downloads

Edited by meeshymee, 26 July 2024 - 07:02 PM.

#25 FiredUpIce


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Posted 26 July 2024 - 07:50 PM

You can reinstall anything you like,

As far as it causing a BSOD yes.

Will it fix the issue, can not say.


Can you just list eveything you have done, then I will re read the entire thread and provide step by step instructions. I will have that laid out for you before Sunday,

Basically Water.

#26 meeshymee

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Posted 27 July 2024 - 09:07 AM

Oh that would be wonderful - thank you.


Prior to this thread I ran sfc /scannow, CHKDSK /f, /r, /x.


I tried to do everything that didn't require reboot, so not that much.


  • I used the uninstaller for defender (I was under the impression it was disabled since day 1 through group policy so I never understood why it would show up in any errors)
  • I removed the two files:

410536   8/25/2022    2:57:54 AM  "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HouseCall\Tmcomm.sys"
67168   8/25/2022    2:57:54 AM  "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HouseCall\TMEBC64.sys"

  • I have NO IDEA what all those random drivers are and sent one (if there was a batch option I'd send them all).
  • I can't download hdd (failed)

I think that's it..

I didn't do the two notepad batch files.


I disabled MSE but didn't remove for the time being.. I'm confused because I read that it uses "Windows 10 defender definitions so you should be fine in 2024".. Not sure if that's true.

#27 FiredUpIce


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Posted 28 July 2024 - 03:40 AM

Step 1: Batch file to remove some garbage and disable winodws defender and windows update, a useless service in your case to be running


You can simply delete step 3 from the batch file if you wish, it is just to turn off hibernation, which you seem to use and may be unrelated to the issue, but is something I do when I am paid to work on machines.


Open notepad

copy and paste the code box content into it

Save to desktop as 123.bat

right click 123.bat run as admin.



   @echo off
:: This batch file performs several maintenance tasks

:: Step 1: Clean Event Viewer Logs
echo Cleaning Event Viewer Logs...
wevtutil cl Application
wevtutil cl Security
wevtutil cl Setup
wevtutil cl System
echo Event Viewer Logs cleaned.

:: Step 2: Clean Temp Files
echo Cleaning Temporary Files...
del /q /f %temp%\*
del /q /f C:\Windows\Temp\*
echo Temporary Files cleaned.

:: Step 3: Disable Hibernation
echo Disabling Hibernation...
powercfg -h off
echo Hibernation disabled.

:: Step 4: Disable Windows Defender (Note: This may expose your system to risks)
echo Disabling Windows Defender...
sc stop WinDefend
sc config WinDefend start=disabled
echo Windows Defender disabled.

:: Step 5: Fix Fatal Alert Error (10)
echo Attempting to fix fatal alert error...
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" /v "EnableSecurity" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
netsh winsock reset catalog
ipconfig /flushdns

REM Stop the Windows Update service
sc stop wuauserv

REM Set the Windows Update service to disabled
sc config wuauserv start= disabled

echo All tasks completed.


Step 2: Removal of outdated MSE


Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is no longer supported. The end of support for MSE coincided with the end of support for Windows 7, which occurred on January 14, 2020.


Please remove it with geekUninstaller. 


Sometimes security software can conflict with each other, and if you have the paid version of malwarebytes there is no need for this,.


Step 3: This will remove some useless items from the machine.


Run this batch file from safe mode please. How to boot to safe mode.



Open notepad

copy and paste the code box content into it

Save to desktop as 1234.bat

right click 123.bat run as admin.




del "C:\Windows\Tasks\CleanerOneProAutoUAC.job"
del "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\housecall.guid.cache"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\All Users\RogueKiller"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\ESET"
rmdir /s /q "C:\4ea870fc95e02110cf4cbfadca3e3c"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\All Users\IObit"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\All Users\Norton"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\User\AppData\LocalLow\IObit"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro"
reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\AVAST Software" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\NordDivert" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\ESET" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Eset" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\CoreSecurity" /f
reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-21-3387588297-3775100362-1754828942-1000\Software\ESET" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\SophosScanAndClean" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\TrendMicro" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\trendmicro" /f
reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Adlice Software" /f
reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-21-3387588297-3775100362-1754828942-1000\Software\Adlice Software" /f
ren "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\tapnordvpn.sys" "tapnordvpn.bak"
ren "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mcvidrv.sys" "mcvidrv.bak"
ren "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\XtuAcpiDriver.sys" "XtuAcpiDriver.bak"

Basically Water.

#28 FiredUpIce


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Posted 28 July 2024 - 03:42 AM

For now, leave malwarebytes and perform the steps above, and reboot the machine and see how it performs.  If there is another BSOD then upload the single dump file for review.

Basically Water.

#29 meeshymee

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Posted 28 July 2024 - 04:33 PM

Disable defender? I thought the uninstaller uninstalled it.

So none of this will uninstall Malwarebytes?

I get new updates on windows update every day - says it's for MSE - what is it updating?


Thanks - I will do it this evening.

Edited by meeshymee, 28 July 2024 - 04:45 PM.

#30 FiredUpIce


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Posted 28 July 2024 - 04:51 PM

Running the batch file will not hurt, it will make sure the services are disabled if they exist.

No, malwarebytes is safe.


I'll tell you after re-reading the whole thread, there were remnants of multiple antivirus applications on the computer. Which could be causing the issue with MB throwing the error. Running the batch files  to clean up will certainly not hurt anything, and allow us to venture further into trouble shooting if needed.






Microsoft Security Essentials.



These from trend and Mcafee were still active...  which may be responsible for throwing the fatal error 10


Error: (07/23/2024 11:41:12 AM) (Source: Schannel) (EventID: 4120) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: The following fatal alert was generated: 10. The internal error state is 10.


Might also be worth resetting your firewall to default, unless you have some custom settings you would like to keep.    netsh advfirewall reset


C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HouseCall\Tmcomm.sys
C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HouseCall\TMEBC64.sys

Basically Water.

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